Please note that if you have recently activated a Black Owl SSL certificate for your domain, it can take up to 30 minutes to be installed across our load balancers. After an SSL has been installed, the website still loads with an insec...
To make changes to your website hosting, domain and (if utilised) email account(s), you will need to use ‘My Black Owl’.
What is a CDN? A CDN (Content Delivery Network) enables your website load quickly, wherever your users are across the globe. It includes a suite of speed-boosting tools and features that will accelerate your website. Every Black Owl Hosti...
List copied from the WordPress Codex, available here: WordPress supports uploading the following file types - by default: Images .jpg .jpeg .png .g...
Every Black Owl hosting package comes with a free wildcard SSL certificate, enabling you to use the more secure HTTPS protocol to keep your site users secure. To activate the SSL, you’ll need to make sure you’ve pointed the domain name to...
My Black Owl is a management platform available to website and email hosting customers at Black Owl. This portal enables customers to manage all aspects of their hosting account from DNS changes, to resetting email account passwords.
To set up Email Forwarding, such as the email address automatically directs incoming messages to another desired email address. Make sure that you're logged into 'My Black Owl'. Select the hosting package that you want to apply the...
To gain access to these systems you must be registered for ‘My Black Owl’. For more information, please see here. Login to ‘My Black Owl‘. Navigate to the ‘Email’ section of the control panel. Click on ‘Email Accounts’ icon. Once you...
The Error Establishing Database Connection error means that your wp-config.php file doesn’t contain valid database credentials. Edit your wp-config.php file and you'll see the database settings section: // ** MySQL settings - You c...
All Black Owl hosted websites are scanned for malware automatically, daily. If we spot anything concerning we’ll get in contact with you as the account holder. Should you wish to perform a manual check on your own account, simply login...