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How to Clear Your Website Server Cache

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What is a Cache?

In computing, a cache is a hardware or software component that stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster. In the case of websites, this is usually a copy of your website stored so that pages do not have to be generated from scratch each time a visitor loads a page.


Please note that the next section of this article is specific to the WordPress platform, hosted by Black Owl.


What is StackCache?

StackCache is a small app that our hosting platform runs that enables us to distribute copies of your website from servers across the globe. To find out more about that, please read the 'Content Delivery Network (CDN)' article.


How do I clear my website cache?

  1. Log into your Wordpress admin side (if you've not already).

  2. Locate the 'StackCache' option in the left hand admin sidebar, and click on it.1kzS3bikINSw_TBo8ujip5PGjdAS17pRPg.png?1640690800
  3. Once you have loaded the StackCache settings page, you will be presented with all of your caching options. For most users, you will only need to locate the 'Purge Control' heading, to purge the cache. Unless you are confident in making caching changes, we would recommend leaving the other StackCache settings alone.

  4. Under the 'Purge Control' heading, locate the 'Purge Everything' (from cache!) button. Click on this and allow a few seconds for it to complete your request.SxfMoUINEx6rNMkwKdaDTk2TnNeiej4gaw.png?1640690834
  5. Once your cache has been purged you will see the success message below. Cache purging can take a few minutes for all caches globally to clear - as advised in the message.



Does purging everything delete any of my website content?

No! Purging the cache will only force the caching servers to get a fresh copy of the website. You are in full control of your files and 



If you are still having problems with your website cache, or you are unsure about this process and system - please raise a ticket with our support desk by emailing

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