Getting a 'mailbox does not exist' message can be frustrating, we know. In most cases, you just need to give it about half an hour. Mailbox password changes, webmail access and sending/receiving email via a mail client are all availabl...
It's often necessary to clear up old emails - which you might need to do in the Webmail interface online. This guide will help you with the process of clearing up messages and folders from your mailboxes hosted at Black Owl.
In the event that your mailbox is near to full capacity, the Webmail interrface can be very handy. Using the Webmail interface, you can sort the emails by knowing which folder(s) are taking up valuable storage space. Firstly login to...
Having a clear and professional looking email address for your businesses general enquiries is incredibly important. Here are some suggestions of generic email account names that you might want to consider.
To create a new autoresponder, such as an 'out of office' email: Make sure that you're logged into 'My Black Owl'. Select the hosting package that you want to apply the autoresponder too and click on 'Manage'. From the list of a...
DKIM, DMARC, and SPF are key email security protocols that authenticate messages, combat spoofing, and ensure emails genuinely originate from their stated domains, bolstering trust and safety in digital communication.
Find large folders in your mailbox
If you're looking to manage your emails seamlessly through Outlook on your computer, this guide will help you set up your IMAP email account step by step.