Having a clear and professional looking email address for your businesses general enquiries is incredibly important. Here are some suggestions of generic email account names that you might want to consider:
- admin.office@
- administration@
- adminoffice@
- advice@
- all@
- ask@
- bookings@
- business@
- comercial@
- connect@
- contact.us@
- contact@
- contactus@
- corporate@
- cs@
- customer.services@
- customercare@
- customerservice@
- details@
- development@
- email@
- e-mail@
- enquire@
- enquiries@
- enquiry@
- frontdesk@
- general.enquiries@
- general@
- generalenquiries@
- group@
- headoffice@
- hello@
- help@
- helpdesk@
- helpline@
- hq@
- inbox@
- info@
- infodesk@
- information@
- mail@
- mailbox@
- main.office@
- mainoffice@
- management@
- manager@
- me@
- office.admin@
- office@
- officeadmin@
- online@
- operations@
- people@
- post@
- projects@
- reception@
- postbox@
- sales@
- secretary@
- service@
- services@
- solutions@
- staff@
- studio@
- team@
- theoffice@
- theteam@
- trade@
- trading@
- users@
- web@
- welcome@