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How to add a page/item onto the menu in WordPress

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The menu bar is what typically is used to assist visitors to your website browse the important information and easily move around your website. Here is a guide on how to develop and adapt the menu bar on your WordPress site such as the one below.




Step 1 - Go to your dashboard for your website and then go to Appearance > Menus



Step 2 - Name your menu e.g. Top Navigation Menu and then click ‘Create Menu’



By clicking ‘Create Menu’ it enables the left section of the page called ‘Add menu items’ so it is no longer greyed out



Step 3 - Choose the pages you want to add to your menu either by clicking in the check box next to the page name or by clicking the ‘Select all’ tick box at the bottom if you want to add them all and the click ‘Add to Menu’



Step 4 - Once you have added them to your menu they should appear in the ‘Menu Structure’ half of the page where you are able to drag and drop them into the order you would like them to appear on your menu bar


Step 5 - If you would like to create a drop-down menu then simply add the item to the menu by selecting it’s tick box on the left and click ‘Add to Menu’ as you did before. Once it is added to the ‘Menu structure’ then drag it to below the item you want it to appear under on the menu bar and drag it slightly to the right and it will become indented as below




Step 6 - Now choose where you want your menu to appear (note: your options may vary depending on the theme you are running on your website).




Step 7 - Click ‘Save Menu’



Step 8 - Go to your website and check that it looks as you expected it to. Remember that you might need to purge the cache in StackCache.


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