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Hosting Security

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Enterprise level standard

With today's online environment, malware exposure and security breaches are a constant threat. You are protected from damaging web attacks thanks to Black Owl’s secure hosting. We'll provide you with the resources to assist in time, money, and reputational savings. All key security extras that we believe should come as standard. 


Be one step ahead of online criminals with Black Owl, with no extra cost.



Free and on-demand Automatic malware scanning 

Black Owl scans your hosting environment every day for common viruses. We find all kinds of nasty things by using a range of systems and commercial tools. Malware, including web shells or mail/spam daemons, can compromise your installation and provide hackers access to the information, emails, and material on your website. If malware is found, our team will reach out to you to get things back on track again.


The WordPress Checksum Report in our WordPress Tools collection offers users of WordPress yet another tool to scan their systems for malware. This verifies that your WordPress core corresponds to the WordPress repository on the WordPress website.


Immediate Results

You'll need to update the software or plugins and remove any compromised files if malware has been found on your website. After making the modifications, you should immediately re-scan. You'll receive verification.


On-Demand Scanning

Our malware scanning is unique since it can also be conducted on-demand, which makes it more convenient. You don't have to wait until the subsequent planned scan, which is again very convenient.


Disables PHP Mail

PHP mail is turned off if malware is found to stop your website from infecting further sites via email.



Free wildcard SSL encryption

SSL-TLS certificates are essential for secure data transmission and web browsing. Every website needs to have one now because of legal requirements and Google's support of them. In order to make every website we host a "https" one, we collaborate with Let's Encrypt.


We offer "wildcard" certificates for free SSLs. Consequently, you may use a single certificate to secure both your major domain and its subdomains. Use the approved Black Owl nameservers on your website in order to receive a free "https" certificate. Like other SSL certificates, they offer the same level of protection.



Built for business - Our data centres

Our data centers are accredited to ISO27001:2013. Their security attributes consist of:

  • Round the clock security team on-site
  • Entry via swipe card and photo ID
  • Indoor and outdoor CCTV
  • Secure perimeter fencing and gates
  • Uninterruptible and redundant power supplies
  • Before using any internal system, data centre personnel must authenticate themselves. We use centralised identity and security procedures that adhere to a need-to-know and least-privilege access policy where possible.

Isolated Backups

All backups are kept offsite, away from the original data centers that house web servers.



PCI compliant UK hosting

Your hosting must be PCI compliant if your company accepts credit cards. The hosting provider must adhere to Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards in order to collect, store, and process debit/credit card information (PCI-DSS). To lessen credit card fraud, these guidelines were put in place. The PCI Security Standards Council is in charge of requesting routine examinations of hosting providers. They check for weaknesses where thieves might be able to obtain cardholder data. The independent audits of our vendors are consistently successful.



Email Scans

Advanced antivirus and anti-spam protection are applied to all emails and forwarders sent and received. We employ three levels of inbound virus and spam scanning:


Network Level

Mail from well-known spam networks is rejected using commercial anti-spam deny lists from Spamhaus, Invaluement, and Barracuda Networks.


Virus Scanning

Mail from well-known spam networks is rejected using commercial anti-spam deny lists from Spamhaus, Invaluement, and Barracuda Networks.



When messages exhibit spam-like traits, they are flagged and placed in the "junk mail" folder.


Fully configurable email filters

The webmail control panel allows for complete configuration of these filters. So, specific senders, domains, and TLDs can be added to allow lists to completely go around the content screening. Deny lists are the same way; you can make your own using our control panel. The message is returned to the sender whenever we reject a communication due to a known virus or network deny listing so the sender is aware of what's going on. Emails are never "black holed."


Spammers not welcome!

You don't want miscreants to ruin your reputation (and ours) by sending out tons of "spam" email if you use the email accounts that come with our shared hosting. Because of this, we keep an eye on emails that are sent out and have a zero-tolerance spam policy.



Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) - Safer than just a password...

Unfortunately, if your password is stolen, many security precautions become useless. Therefore, we give users the choice to employ two-factor authentication (2FA) for access to My Black Owl and SSH. One approach to increase security is by using 2FA. Our 2FA makes use of TOTP apps, which give you a time-limited, one-use code in addition to your password to input. Google and Microsoft are a couple of the 2FA app vendors. You can run the apps from your phone. Another type of "2FA" that we require is random security checks when payments are made. You will need to phone us and confirm the additional security information you gave when first signing up in order to do this.



1 Tbps+ Anti-DDoS - Enterprise-level denial of service protection

The risk of distributed denial of service (DDoS) assaults on the internet is increasing. By overwhelming the server with requests, they might seriously harm your business by blocking access to your website for ordinary website users.


You typically have no choice but to endure the attack and wait for it to end if your shared hosting or virtual private server (VPS) is attacked.


We added 1 Tbps+ anti-DDoS protection for this reason. With this high-level security, you are protected from the majority of threats. You won't notice any interruptions because it just filters out harmful traffic. Do not let the hackers destroy your company!



Web Application Firewalls

Preventing hackers from accessing your server-based code is one technique to stop security breaches. By preventing suspicious activities, our Web Application Firewall (WAF) safeguards your data and applications.


Malicious code is frequently inserted into web forms as a method of attack on websites. Since forms must for information to transit from the user to the server hosting the website, they are not protected by conventional firewalls. They could serve as a point of entry for ransomware or data thieves. 
Being a victim of this will cost your firm time and money, even in the best-case situation. In the worst situation, a breach could cause your business to fail.


By checking each HTTP request for SQL injection, malware, cross-site scripting, path traversal, and other forms of attacks, the Black Owl WAF aids in preventing this. This occurs at the edge of our network before any scripts from web applications like WordPress are executed. Less than a nanosecond pass.


The ruleset used to filter out malicious requests is updated on a regular basis by the Black Owl security team. The Black Owl security team created this ruleset using materials that are readily accessible for purchase and their own original rules.


All of this occurs in the background at Black Owl and makes it much harder to attack your sites.


Keeping attackers away from your web apps

We also manage the network defences in addition to the firewall. These are based on reputation at the network level (automatic system) and IP address level. They are intended to stop potential attackers before an attack ever occurs.


Automatic routing diverts suspicious IP addresses and networks from ordinary web servers, distributing traffic and burden. Bad-reputation IP addresses are blocked at the network edge, and IP address ranges as a whole might also be blacklisted.


Brute-force Login Protection

Cybercriminals frequently employ brute force to try and guess the "admin" password for your website. These programs cycle through popular passwords and use random letters and numbers along with trial and error to try to guess your login information.


Our platform has StackProtect, which keeps track of attempts to log into your website. It looks out for potentially malicious automated requests. It use Google's most recent reCAPTCHA technologies to identify them and, if necessary, disables the attempts.


This also prevents a slowdown of our platform. Every day, it denies up to six million requests. Our most popular target is logins to our WordPress hosting platform, however StackProtect protects all major website logins.



Infrastructure that's unmatched for resilience...

The best platform for security

Unique server configuration helps to ensure the best platform for your next hosted solution.



Even if a cyberattack is unsuccessful, it consumes a lot of bandwidth and processing resources. Resources that autoscale ensure that your website remains quick and operational. Your website might load more slowly at other hosts if one of your shared hosting "neighbors" is attacked. In contrast, Black Owl.


No Single Point of Failure

Redundancy is built into our platform at every possible level. Automatic failover takes place in the event of a hardware, software, or network malfunction to restart services. This hardware and software design is redundant, which improves availability and lessens data loss.


Isolated Server Roles

Only websites are served by web servers, only MySQL is used by MySQL servers, and only email is sent by email servers. To centralised log servers, logs are delivered. Because of these separate server functions, an attacker won't be able to access your email or hide their tracks even in the worst-case situation in which your website is compromised.



Self-Managed Security - lock down your website

Block visitors to your site IP address or country 

With our hosting, you can choose to restrict specific IP addresses, entire subnets, or even entire countries - the choice is yours.


Website Password Manager

Without needing to know how to code, you can quickly and easily add passwords to specific portions of webpages or entire websites. 


File Transfer Denied

Commonly used access methods including FTP, SFTP, Remote MySQL, and SSH are by default disabled and can only be activated after successful control panel authentication. To make adjustments, you can unlock FTP for a predetermined amount of time; after that, it will automatically re-lock.


File Permissions Checker

Check the files on your website for permission-based issues to stop unauthorized access. Our File Permissions Checker will suggest and automatically correct any issues.



You should still have website backups available in case the worst happens. In our control panel, you can quickly and easily create site backups or set them up to occur automatically.


Secured by TLS

Transport Layer Security protocols, which use the same cryptography to help establish "https" URLs, secure FTP and SFTP. Therefore, it is less probable that file transfers will be read or altered by thieves.


CDN Security Headers

Manage all of the HTTP security headers for your website from a straightforward interface. You can choose between the policies that permit and prohibit the client and server from exchanging security-related data.


You shouldn’t have to pay for website security. Black Owl include all these features at no extra cost. 

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