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Removing user login passwords on Windows

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Should you require your computer to log straight into your Windows desktop without asking for a login or password, this guide will help you to set this up. This can be useful in certain set ups. 


If your computer is in a shared environment or contains sensitive or confidential information - please consider the security of your system and data before removing any login passwords. Removing your login password could leave the device vulnerable to unauthorised access both locally and remotely.


Please note that this guide assumes that you have a local account, or have already converted your Microsoft account to a local account.


  1. Open the 'Start Menu' from the Windows logo in the bottom right of your screen.
  2. Search the start menu for 'netplwiz' and click on the top result. This will open Control Panel.HTeZVoj_qwZrF3u3vbIdoVBDN1N9x5eCWA.png?1661713942
  3. Select the account to remove the password from under the 'Users for this computer:' section.

  4. Untick the 'User must enter a user name and password to use this computer' option.
  5. Click on the 'Apply' button in the bottom right corner of the window.

  6. You may be asked to confirm the existing username/password for your account, enter these as you normally would.
  7. Click on the 'OK' button.

  8. Click on the 'OK' button again, to close all of these windows.

  9. You can test that the process has worked by restarting your computer. Once the computer restarts, you should be logged straight into your desktop without need for login credentials.



If you require any further help with user login passwords on Windows - please raise a ticket with our helpdesk by emailing

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