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Ignoring/muting email threads and conversations

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Email is now a part of everyday life for almost everyone. Here at Black Owl, we want to equip you with useful information, guides, and links to help you make the most of the facilities and functions that email can offer. If you'd like us to go into further detail on any of these articles, please get in touch with us. For further email support you can either contact your email provider, or raise a ticket with Black Owl Support by emailing*.


* please be aware that if we are not your email provider, we may be unable to help with your query.


What does 'ignore' or 'mute' mean for email threads and conversations?

With so much email coming in these days from colleagues, friends, marketing, and spammers, it can be hard to stay on top of your inbox. The 'ignore' or 'mute' features of email apps enable you to effectively 'hide' conversations that you do not want to deal with, or are too busy to deal with.

This feature is most commonly used in business email where large group conversations take place via email. These features can come in very handy when the thread is no longer relevant to you.


Does the recipient get notified?

We are yet to see this happen in either Outlook or Gmail (including Google Workspace), so it is very unlikely!


What's the difference between 'ignore' and 'mute'?

There's no difference, different providers and developers use different terms - but they mean the same thing.



We have included some links below to popular webmail/email apps (clients) that might help you to learn more about ignoring or muting email conversations.






Mac Mail

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