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Disabling Start-Up Items in Windows 10

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What’s more annoying than booting up your PC to start work and hundreds of applications loading in your way? This guide aims to help you disable those annoying apps, so that you can get straight to work.


  1. Right click on your taskbar at the bottom, to generate a list of options and controls.
  2. Click on the ‘Task Manager’ option to load the Task Manager window.
  3. Alternatively, press Ctrl + Alt + Del, and select ‘Task Manager’ from the list of available options.
  4. When the task bar window loads, if it appears in the simplified view, click on ‘More details’ at the bottom left of the window.
  5. You should then see a view similar to the below with further details about the applications and programs running (including in the background).
  6. Click on the ‘Start-up’ tab from the top row tabs.
  7. You should see a view similar to the below, however yours may contain a number of additional apps.

  8. Right click on the application that you want to disable loading at start up, and click on ‘Disable’. The text in the ‘Status’ column will then be updated to reflect this change.
  9. You’re all done! You can close the window, and the app should leave you alone.


Please note: Some apps will re-enable themselves in the startup after running updates. If you notice an app continues to open at startup again, it is worth re-checking the Task Manager tab as shown above.


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